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Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

Indonesia, I Love You Full

Airport on Europe?, no, this is Hasanudin Airport on Makasar

HongKong?, no this is Jakarta

Where Is It?, Ow.. That Suramadu Bridge.
Conecting between Surabaya City (East Java) and Madura Island

Monaco?, no, this is Manado Indonesia (Bunaken)

New Zealand?, no this is Komodo Island Indonesia

Gaza on palestina?, no this is Medan City on North Sumatera

University on Europe?, no this is Medan City too

South Africa no.... this is Gunung Kidul (Central Java)

Beutiful of Indonesia

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Perfect Money, Received Dollars With Only Placed Banner in Our Blog


Perfect Money has essentially the same functions with PayPal, the online bank that can be used to make purchases and receiving money online.

But excess Perfect Money can exchange their cash into electronic currency in the shortest time period and the exchange rate that are reliable.

Perfect Money also offers installation of their logo 150 x 75 in your blog/website by giving you $10 per PR your blog, with a minimum PR blog = 2 (example : PR 2 x $ 10 = $ 20 / month for the installation of the logo on the blog was PR 2).

Don't forget if you've signed up and then log in to member area, click the PM for Business in the bottom of the page site of Perfect Money, and check the "Reward to site owners with the logo of Perfect Money", and enjoy your dollars monthly from your hard work making blog!.

Want to try, ya click the link below:

Perfect Money

How to install the Perfect Money logo :

1. Please login to Perfect Money
2. See the bottom of the page, click on PM for Business.
3. Select and mark the Reward to Site Owners with Symbol of Perfect Money, click the read more link and enter your blog URL address
4. Fill in your data (Perfect Money considers your blog as your business, so fill your blog with the data as if in a container business)

Perfect Money will review your blog to decide whether your blog is accepted or not. Reviewing your blog/website takes less than 24 hours. You will receive notification via email that you use when registering. If you have received confirmation that your blog is being approve, continue the following steps:

1. Log into your account, click the Affiliate Program at the bottom of the page. Look for the logo size 125 x 75 or logos equivalent or greater that size and save on your computer, (press the Print Screen button, open an image editor that you have like MsPaint, click the edit menu and paste, cut in the desired image. Because of Perfect Money does not provide a script that can be directly copied and posted on our blogs, but that's allright, earning money is not completley easy like Ad's say.

2.Place the logo on your blog by including your referral link like (replace 346927 with your ID)

3. If already installed, Perfect Money will not calculate the payment imediately. You have to give confirmation to them that the logo has been installed correctly on your blog. Send the internal mail that you can access at the member's area on Internal Mail menu.

4. Click Compose New Ticket to Our Service Support. Write The subject: Confirmation. Select Department: Priority Support Department. Then the contents of the message, for example: I have been put the Perfect Money logo in my site. Please check it out in (replace with your blog address).

5. You will receive a satisfactory answer if all the steps I gave you applied properly. And the payment you will receive exactly 1 month after confirmation is received into your account.

Done, happy to enjoy your free money every month according to your blog PR. I am reminded once again, your blog PR least 2

good luck

Perfect Money, Sumber Dollar Hanya Dengan Pasang Banner di Blog

Perfect Money pada hakikatnya memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan PayPal, sebagai bank online yang bisa dipergunakan untuk melakukan transaksi pembelian dan penerimaan uang secara online.

Namun kelebihan Perfect Money adalah seluruh user Perfect Money dapat menukarkan uang mereka ke dalam mata uang elektronik dalam jangka waktu tersingkat dan tingkat pertukaran (change rate) yang handal.

Perfect Money juga menawarkan pemasangan logo 150 x 75 Perfect Money di blog/ situs kita dengan memberikan $10 per PR blog kita, dengan minimum PR blog = 2 (contoh: PR 2 x $10 = $20 /bulan untuk pemasangan logo di blog ber-PR 2)…

Jangan lupa kalau udah sign up kemudian log in trus klik PM for Business di paling bawah halaman situs Perfect Money, dan centang “Reward to site owners with logo of Perfect Money” , dan nikmatilah dollar halal perbulannya dari hasil kerja keras Anda bikin blog!

Mau coba, klik nih linknya di bawah ini:

Perfect Money

Cara memasang logo Perfect Money :

1. Silahkan login ke Perfect Money
2. Perhatikan bagian bawah halaman, klik tulisan PM for Business.
3. Pilih dan beri tanda pada Reward to Site Owners with Logo of Perfect Money, klik read more dan isikan alamat URL blog Anda
4. Isikan data anda (Perfect Money menganggap blog anda sebagai bisnis anda, jadi isikan dengan data blog anda seolah-olah sebagai sebuah wadah bisnis)

Perfect Money akan mereview blog Anda untuk memutuskan apakah blog Anda diterima (di-approve) atau tidak. Proses approve memakan waktu kurang dari 24 jam. Anda akan menerima pemberitahuan lewat email yang anda gunakan saat mendaftar. Jika sudah menerima konfirmasi bahwa di approve, lanjutkan langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Login ke account Anda, klik Affiliate Program pada bagian bawah halaman. Cari logo berukuran 125 x 75 atau logo yang setara atau lebih besar dan simpan di komputer anda, caranya tekan tombol Print Screen, buka editor gambar yang anda punya/bisa MsPaint, klik menu edit lalu paste, potong gambar yang di inginkan. Hal ini dilakukan karena Perfect Money tidak menyediakan script yang bisa langsung dicopy dan dipasang di blog kita, tapi ga pa2, cari duit emang susah.

2. Pasang logo tersebut di blog anda dengan menyertakan link referral Anda seperti (ganti xxxxxx dengan ID anda)

3. Jika sudah terpasang, tidak serta merta Perfect Money akan menghitung pembayarannya. Anda harus memberi konfirmasi ke mereka bahwa logo tersebut telah terpasang dengan benar. Caranya kirim internal mail yang dapat Anda akses di member area pada menu Internal Mail.

4. Klik Compose New Ticket to Our Service Support. Tulis subject: Confirmation. Pilih Department: Priority Support Department. Kemudian isi pesan, contoh: I have been put the Perfect Money logo in my site. Please check it out in (ganti dengan alamat blog Anda).

5. Anda akan menerima jawaban yang memuaskan jika semua langkah yang saya berikan anda aplikasikan dengan baik. Dan pembayaran akan Anda terima tepat 1 bulan setelah konfirmasi diterima ke account Perfect Money Anda tentunya.

Selesai, selamat menikmati uang gratis anda setiap bulan sesuai PR blog Anda. Saya ingatkan sekali lagi, PR blog anda minimal 2

Salam Super